New Sample Pack Alert! TRAILER TOOLKIT VOL.1! Get it now!

New Sample Pack Alert!

JATAKUNA – Raw Drums!

Get it now!

Join us for our live tutorial series

Thanks for joining us!

This is the page where we will announce all our live streams,
post links and keep you posted on all details!
Next live stream is scheduled for:

June 05 2021 – 7PM CET

Here are few more timezones FYI.

United States
1:00pm Sat
June 05 2021

United States
10:00am Sat
June 05 2021

8:00pm Sat
June 05 2021

Upcoming Live Stream Topics!

  • Microphones – Types, History, Geeky Stuff, Common Usages
  • How to mic and record a percussive instrument (common practices)
  • How to mic and record an acoustic instrument (common practices)
  • How to mic and record amplifier output (common practices)

Stay in the loop!

If you want to be always up to date, feel free to sign up for our mailing list. We are not assholes, we are not gonna spam you.

We will go live every first Saturday of each month!


Booraz Audio Live Stream Series – EP 02 – Microphones – Types and common usages

Meanwhile check out video archive

Live Stream Series – Episode 01

Home Sampling Basics! Take a look at what you can do with sampling ordinary home objects or stuff that you can easily find around the neighborhood. Things around you sound great, why not use them?

Tutorial Series – Episode 01

Home Sound Design Basics! I took all samples from our first Live Stream and gave them super basic and super fast sound design treatment using the most basic tools. Free sample pack included!

Sign up now!

Don’t miss out on all the fun, knowledge and regular free sample packs and goodies.